Link(s) A
If you want accurate and relevant current and / or historical information on Canada’s military aircraft, we recommend that you visit the following websites:
The Royal Canadian Air Force (English & French):
The Royal Canadian Air Force Association:
The Canadian Aviation Historical Society:
The Canada Aviation & Space Museum (English & French):
The Library and Archives Canada (English & French):
Link(s) B
For additional information, photos, stories and resources on Canada’s military aircraft (with some caveats), we recommend that you visit the following websites:
Canadian Military Aircraft Serial Numbers - (The former website of Bill Walker now hosted by the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum) - Note - this site has not been updated since 2016 and contains numerous errors and inaccuracies. While it is both a good starting point and resource for individual aircraft number histories, the information therein should only be used with caution and with further research:
The RCAF site - (now hosted by the Military Communication and Electronics Museum) - Note - this site is no longer updated):
Vintage Wings of Canada - (lots of photos and stories but not exclusively on Canadian military aircraft subjects):
Link(s) C
For those interested in other books on both Canadian military aircraft and other military subjects, we recommend that you visit the following websites:
CANAV Books - The blog & website of Canadian aviation author Larry Milberry:
Above & Below Scale Graphics - A website with decals dedicated to Canadian military subjects:
CanMilAir Decals - A website with resources, books and decals on Canadian military aircraft:
The International Plastic Modellers Society of Canada: this website includes resources and articles:
Kestrel Aviation Images - An (unaffiliated) website by Colin Kunkel with images on Canadian military aviation subjects:
For those interested in purchasing Bob McIntyre’s excellent book on CF-104 Starfighters, please contact him directly at: